Please review the new policies we have implemented for the safety of our lash community

1. All clients must wear a mask or face covering to their appointment. Masks should remain on at all times while in the spa.

2. All clients must wash/sanitize their hands upon arrival. Hand sanitizer will be available to all clients.

3. Please do not bring any guests with you to your appointment including children. We cannot accommodate them at this time.

4. Please only bring the necessities with you to your lash appointment such as car keys, phone and a form of payment.

5. All clients must reschedule their appointment if they’ve experienced any of the following within 24 hours of their scheduled appointment:

* Fever over 100 degrees

* Cough

* Shortness of breath

* Lack of smell or taste

* Sore throat

* Recent known exposure to Covid-19

6. In an effort to keep clients socially distanced we will not have clients in our waiting area. We ask that you please give us a call at 9143526565 to let us know you have arrived and we will confirm that your treatment room is ready for you.   

8. Please do not arrive early to your scheduled appointment unless we ask you to do so to fill out necessary paperwork. We will kindly ask anyone who arrives early to wait in their cars until their scheduled appointment time.

9. Please arrive to your appointment on time with no makeup on. In an effort to keep clients socially distanced and to allot enough time in between clients to disinfect we will need to stay on schedule.

As you know, we have always implemented strict protocols in regards to cleaning & disinfecting/sterilizing our work space, tools, and common areas. In addition to our already high standards we have implemented new policies for our team as well.

1. All employees will continue to wash and sanitize their hands between each client

2. All employees will continue to thoroughly clean and disinfect their work space as well as common areas including all door knobs, light switches, and frequently touched surfaces.

3. We will be booking longer blocks in between appointments to ensure we have the proper time to thoroughly disinfect between each client .

4. All beds will be stripped of their sheets and blankets and will have a disposable sheet in its place. We encourage clients to bring a light jacket if needed.

5. Our spa associates will immediately bring you into your spa room upon arrival. Again we ask that clients do not arrive early to their appointments. We will avoid having any guests in our waiting areas and treatment rooms will be limited to 1 lash expert and 1 client.

6. All employees will wear protective face masks in compliance with NYS health guidelines

7. Employees are instructed to stay home if they are not feeling well, show any cold or flu like symptoms and/or have a fever.  Temperatures will be read prior to their shift.

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